理论上说,每一个词都具有所有词性,为何有的词没有其他词性,因为我们暂时还不需要,也就是词性泛起的须要性。那么转头看下You can @ us on microblog.这个句子,大家意义明白,就是微博关注我们。新的事物泛起了,那么词性需要了,那么这个 @就有了及物动词的用法。
为了书写利便以后也会生长为you can at us on microblog.at就会顺利晋级动词行列。想想看,in 不也有动词的意思吗?in v.(动词)<英>收集,集拢<英>把…封入,围住只是in 作动词提前进入了视野而已,而at 作动词今天我才讲到,网络上现在还暂时无法查到。谈了这么多,有人不想这么说,喜欢守旧的用法,那么你就这样吧:有人@我”用英语怎么说?微信给出的官方翻译是“You were mentioned.”如果想对别人说“记得@我一下”,可以说“Don't forget to notify me.”,或者“Don't forget to give me a mention.”。增补其他相关表达,注意friend下下面是动词哟!关注 followI can't decide if I should follow my ex-boyfriend on a microblog.我无法决议是否应该在微博上关注我前任男友。
取消关注 unfollowYou can choose to simply unfollow those users, block them or report the accounts to Twitter, as well - all with just one click.只需点击一下鼠标,你就可以选择取消关注、屏蔽那些用户或向推特举报那些账号。粉丝 followerDid I tell you Victoria Beckham has just become my follower?我有告诉你贝嫂刚成为我的粉丝吗?分享 shareLots of parents share cute photos of their babies on social media sites.许多怙恃在社交媒体网站上分享自己孩子的萌照。回复 replyWe try to reply to all online inquiries within a week.我们争取在一周内回复所有在线问询。
转发 repost/retweetThis is so useful I am going to repost it.这个太有用了我得转发。评论 commentWhy don't you comment?你为什么不评论下呢?赞/点赞 likeHer post only received one like.她发的帖子才收到一个赞。This image has been liked thousands of times on Facebook.这张照片在Facebook上收获了数千次的点赞。加挚友 friendShe was so surprised when her ex-boyfriend friended her.她很惊讶她的前男友加她为挚友。
删除/排除挚友 unfriendSixty percent of those polled say that it is "completely acceptable" to unfriend an ex-boyfriend orex-girlfriend.60%的受访者称与前男友或前女友排除挚友关系“完全可以接受”。私信 private message/direct messageYou can only send direct message to those who follow you.你只能给关注你的人发私信。(微信的)朋侪圈 MomentsShe shared her holiday pictures on her Moments.她在朋侪圈里晒了她度假的照片。
@ (音at)You can @ us on microblog.你可以在微博上点我们名啊。# (音hashtag)You should use # before a trending topic.你应该在热门话题前加#。简介,小我私家资料 profileMost social media sites ask you to upload a photo to your profile.大多数社交媒体网站都让你在小我私家资料部门上传你的照片。
自拍 selfieCelebrities like sharing their selfies with their followers。明星们很喜欢和他们的粉丝们分享他们的自照相。心情符号emoticonSome emoticons are hilarious!有些心情符巨搞笑!微信 WeChatEveryone uses WeChat these days, even my grandmother!人人都用微信,连我奶奶都用了!微博 microblogMicroblogs usually have an 140-character limit.微博通常有140个字数限制。
智能手机smartphoneMany use their smartphones to browse the internet these days.许多人现在都用智能手机上网。平板电脑tabletTablet computers are much lighter to carry - especially when travelling.平板电脑很轻,利便在旅行时携带。